Wednesday 11 March 2015


Image result for image of an elderly black woman

An elderly woman was well known for her faith and her boldness in talking about it. She would on her front porch and shout “PRAISE THE LORD!”
Next door to her lived an atheist who would get so angry at her proclamations he would shout, “There ain’t no Lord!!”.
Hard times set in on the elderly lady, and she prayed for GOD to send her some assistance. She stood on her porch and shouted “PRAISE THE LORD. GOD I NEED FOOD!! I AM HAVING A HARD TIME. PLEASE SEND ME SOME GROCERIES!!”
The next morning the lady went out on her porch and noted a large bag of groceries and shouted, “PRAISE THE LORD!” The neighbour  jumped from behind a bush and said, “Aha! I told you there was no Lord. I bought those groceries, God didn’t”.

The lady started jumping up and down and clapping her hands and said,“PRAISE THE LORD. He not only sent me groceries, but He made the devil pay for them. Praise the Lord!” 

Monday 9 March 2015

Meet the Nigerian woman who was addicted to porn...but now helps others kick the habit

On the face of it, bubbly Oghosa Ovienrioba is a 22-year-old with a bright future ahead of her. A pretty and intelligent Law Graduate, Oghosa is also a popular vlogger to boot. But Oghosa used to hide a dark secret: she was addicted to online pornography.

It was an addiction that first kicked in when she was just 14 years old and sneaked a look at online porn on her computer. And from the ages of 18 to 21, she would lock herself in a dark room & watch adult movies endlessly.

At her worst point, Oghosa would masturbate between five and six times a day - and watched a total of over 400 hours of adult material

But now Oghosa has become a hero to other sufferers after bravely speaking out about her porn addiction on YouTube - in a series that has amassed over 800,000 hits.

Oghosa says, 'When I uploaded that video in February, I had no idea how phenomenal the response would be. I received hundred of heartwarming comments from women who were going through the same thing for years. Lots of people don’t think girls can suffer a porn addiction but it’s a problem for both sexes. I hope I can help others out there - talking about your problem is the first step.'

Oghosa, who began watching online pornography in 2006, says that it was dangerously easy for her to access.
She said: 'I was 14 years old when I went to find porn on the internet. It was out of curiosity and it was just a simple Google search for me to get hold of an adult movie.

'When I first watched it, my reaction was shock. But gradually over time, that shock becomes excitement and I would use any porn that I could get my hands on.'
Her habit started to become a worrying obsession by age 16 when she began watching adult movies as often as she could.
She said: 'I was watching it so much that I started to get bored by the "normal" soft porn movies.
'I wasn't getting the buzz that I felt when I first saw it - in fact I was almost desensitised to that content.

'I went from watching soft pornography to dodgier stuff to get the kick I needed.'
Oghosa's addiction briefly stopped when she had a six-month relationship with a boy at age 18.
But when she started university and found herself single again, the downward spiral of her addiction recommenced.

She said: 'I was at a university and alone in a new city. I guess it was a trigger and I just went downhill from there. 
'For a period of two to three years, I was watching porn on a daily basis and sometimes masturbating over six times per day. It was all I could think about.'

She continued: 'I didn't see people as people anymore - they were just sex objects to me.
'The simplest things could set me off such as a girl unbuttoning her blouse or a boy taking his top off. Everything made me want more.
'I would sit in my room alone for hours, with the lights off, watching porn. I felt lonely and ashamed of myself.'

When Oghosa turned 21, she found Christianity(JESUS CHRIST) and knew it was time to confront her problem. She made several lifestyle changes so she would not return to old habits again.

She says: 'I spoke to a friend about my addiction and that was a huge release for me. It was a first step.
'Talking about it made me realise how much of a problem it was - you're only as sick as the secrets you keep. 
'As a Christian, you have to be quite controlled about what you let into your heart, in terms of what you see and do.' 

She continued: 'So now, I don’t read sex scenes in books and I don’t listen to oversexualised music. 

'There are some artists that just sing about sex and it’s best to avoid that, I also try to avoid inappropriate programmes on TV late at night.'
As part of her recovery process, she posted a YouTube video in February 2014 in which she revealed her porn addiction to the world. The response from viewers was overwhelmingly positive.

She explains: 'When I read some of the comments on that video, it brings a tear to my eye. People have told me how alone they felt with their addiction until they saw my video.'
Oghosa believes that there should be age restrictions on online pornography to make it less available to children.
'It’s heartbreaking to know that children can still access pornography so easily like I did. There are age restrictions on drinking and smoking - the same should go for porn.'

A spokeperson for The Marylebone Centre of Psychological Therapies said: 'The internet is having a huge impact on human sexuality as an infinite variety of material is available through picture sites, chat rooms, live shows, bulletin boards and web-cams.
'Internet sexual addiction is a form of sexual addiction and it is important to have someone to talk to about your feelings in general.'

Culled from UK Daily Mail


Image result for benefits of eating carrots

Carrots are more than a tasty addition to soups, salads and juices. They are also good for our body’s overall health, especially that of the skin, eyes, digestive system and teeth!
So if the sweet flavor isn’t enough, enjoy these 10 reasons to eat more carrots:
1. Beta carotene: Carrots are a rich source of this powerful antioxidant, which, among other vital uses, can be converted into vitamin A in the body to help maintain healthy skin.
2. Digestion: Carrots increase saliva and supply essential minerals, vitamins and enzymes that aid in digestion. Eating carrots regularly may help prevent gastric ulcers and other digestive disorders.
3. Alkaline elements: Carrots are rich in alkaline elements, which purify and revitalize the blood while balancing the acid/alkaline ratio of the body.
4. Potassium: Carrots are a good source of potassium, which can help maintain healthy sodium levels in the body, thereby helping to reduce elevated blood pressure levels.
5. Dental Health: Carrots kill harmful germs in the mouth and help prevent tooth decay.
6. Wounds: Raw or grated carrots can be used to help heal wounds, cuts and inflammation.
7. Phytonutrients: Among the many beneficial phytochemicals that carrots contain is a phytonutrient called falcarinol, which may reduce the risk of colon cancer and help promote overall colon health.
8. Carotenoids: Carrots are rich in carotenoids, which our bodies can use to help regulate blood sugar.
9.  Fiber: Carrots are high in soluble fiber, which may reduce cholesterol by binding the LDL form (the kind we don’t want) and increasing the HDL form (the kind our body needs) to help reduce blood clots and prevent heart disease.
10. Eyes, hair, nails and more! The nutrients in carrots can improve the health of your eyes, skin, hair, nails and more through helping to detoxify your system and build new cells!
There are plenty more reasons to enjoy these crunchy, sweet root vegetables, so reserve a spot in your garden plot for planting some, or pop down to the local market to pick up a bunch!
 Note: the cost of getting carrot from mallam beside the road or at the store is nothing compare to its benefits to our health.
Thanks to the Carrot Museum for these fabulous facts!


Image result for A PRAYER FOR NIGERIA

1) Exodus 15:1-11

Let us thank God for Nigeria, for the victories recorded by the armed forces over the insurgents in the northern part of the country. Pray that the victories will be complete and permanent.

2) Ephesians 1:17-20; Matthew 16:17-19

Pray for the Church in Nigeria; ask that we will walk in the revelation knowledge of God and that the eyes of our understanding will be continually enlightened.
3) Matthew 6:9-10; Proverbs 19:21
Pray for Nigeria; decree that in spite of all the plannings and scheming concerning the coming elections, ONLY the will of God shall stand.

4) Genesis 11:6-7; Psalm 64:7-8
Come against the spirit of insurgency in Nigeria; ask the Lord to cause confusion in the midst of the enemies of this country.

5) Jeremiah 31:16-17; Revelations 22:12
Thank God for supernatural harvests in all aspects of our lives and bless His name for the reward of our labour of love.
God bless you as you pray in Jesus Name.

Manchester United v Arsenal: FA Cup quarter-final --- Arsenal is going to Wembley again!!

Arsenal's Per Mertesacker, Wojciech Szczesny and Olivier Giroud applaud the 9,000 travelling fans.

Arsenal walk off triumphant, having won at Old Trafford for the first time in 11 attempts at Old Trafford. They’re into the semi-finals of the FA Cup and I think they deserved this victory. They defended pretty well for the most part, scored a fine goal in the first half and were the better side after the break. The winner was a gift, but something like that always felt liable to happen and Danny Welbeck won’t care? He won’t. He was rewarded for his persistence and has dumped his old side out of the FA Cup. There will be more awkward questions for Louis van Gaal to answer after this, especially about Angel Di Maria’s conduct. “They’re not a good team,” says Alan Shearer on the BBC. He’s talking about Manchester United. Is he wrong? Congratulations to them for beating my club tonight.