Wednesday 26 June 2013

What's favourite pet?.....I like dogs

Cute German Shepherd from OD

Qoute of the Day


When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. –Helen Keller

Tuesday 25 June 2013

7 Reasons Not To Worry

Most of us worry unnecessarily about too many things.

It’s almost as though we search for problems to give ourselves stress. The amazing news is that much of what we worry about doesn’t matter at all! Take a look at these statistics about worry:

40% of all things that we worry about never come to pass.
30% of all our worries involve past decisions that cannot be changed.
12% focus on criticism from others who spoke because they felt inferior.
10% are related to our health, which gets worse when we worry.
8% of our worries could be described as "legitimate" causes for concern.
Isn’t that remarkable? Fewer than one "problem" in every ten that we worry about is a real concern. All the others are things that we can learn to see differently or eliminate.

God does not wish for us to spend our days worrying. Not about the future, not about money or need. He will provide for all those who have trusted and believed him. Worry has been defined as “a small trickle of fear that meanders through the mind until it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained. Here are 7 reasons why you should not worry.

1-The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of that life.
Matthew 6:25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?"

We are the most valuable of all Gods creatures. In all that we face in this world we can trust God – even in the bad times. But we must make the choice to let go of our worries and trust him.

2-Worrying about the future hampers your efforts today.
Matthew 6:26" Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

3-Worrying is more harmful that helpful.
Matthew 6:27 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"

ILLUSTRATION -Death was walking toward a city, and a man stopped Death and asked “what are yo going to do?” “I’m going to kill 10,000 people today” Death said. The man ran ahead to the the city. He warned everybody he passed that Death was coming and what he was going to do. At then end of the day, he again met Death. He said “you said you were only going to kill 10,000 people and now 70,000 are dead” Death said “I killed only 10,000. Worry and fear killed the others”.

4-God does not ignore those who depend on him.
Matthew 6:28-30
MT 6:28 "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?"
We may worry about things but we have a lot to be thankful for to God.

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.
If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week
If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.
If you can attend church meetings without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are more blessed than three billion in the world.
And if your parents are still alive and still married, you are very rare, even in the United States.

5-Worrying shows a lack of faith and understanding of God
Matthew 6:31,32" So do not worry, saying, `What shall we eat?’ or `What shall we drink?’ or `What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them".

When it comes to faith conquering our worrying, we need to have a child like faith.
A child does not worry all day long whether his house will be there when he gets home from school, or whether his parents will have made dinner. In the same way, Christians should trust God to supply what is best for us.

6-Worrying keeps you from focusing on what God wants you to pursue.
Matthew 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well".

There are two kinds of people in the world. The "Can-dos" and the "Will-dos." Everyone can do something, but not everyone is willing to persevere, sacrifice, and be a will-do something. Stop worrying about what you think you can do and focus on what you will do.

7-Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry.
Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own".

It does no good to worry about tomorrow. We may not have a tomorrow. If you are worrying about the problems of tomorrow, you will miss out on the blessings of today.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

New season fixures....MAN UTD to face Chelsea, Liverpool, Man City six weeks into the season

Sun11/08/13Community ShieldWiganvMan Utd15:00 August
Sat17/08/13Eng PremSwanseavMan Utd15:00 August
Sat24/08/13Eng PremMan UtdvChelsea15:00 August
Sat31/08/13Eng PremLiverpoolvMan Utd15:00 August
Sat14/09/13Eng PremMan UtdvCrystal Palace15:00 September
Sat21/09/13Eng PremMan CityvMan Utd15:00 September
Sat28/09/13Eng PremMan UtdvWest Brom15:00 September
Sat05/10/13Eng PremSunderlandvMan Utd15:00 October
Sat19/10/13Eng PremMan UtdvSouthampton15:00 October
Sat26/10/13Eng PremMan UtdvStoke15:00 October
Sat02/11/13Eng PremFulhamvMan Utd15:00 November
Sat09/11/13Eng PremMan UtdvArsenal15:00 November
Sat23/11/13Eng PremCardiffvMan Utd15:00 November
Sat30/11/13Eng PremTottenhamvMan Utd15:00 November
Tue03/12/13Eng PremMan UtdvEverton19:45 December
Sat07/12/13Eng PremMan UtdvNewcastle15:00 December
Sat14/12/13Eng PremAston VillavMan Utd15:00 December
Sat21/12/13Eng PremMan UtdvWest Ham15:00 December
Thu26/12/13Eng PremHull CityvMan Utd15:00 December
Sat28/12/13Eng PremNorwich CityvMan Utd15:00 December
Wed01/01/14Eng PremMan UtdvTottenham15:00 January
Sat11/01/14Eng PremMan UtdvSwansea15:00 January
Sat18/01/14Eng PremChelseavMan Utd15:00 January
Tue28/01/14Eng PremMan UtdvCardiff19:45 January
Sat01/02/14Eng PremStokevMan Utd15:00 February
Sat08/02/14Eng PremMan UtdvFulham15:00 February
Tue11/02/14Eng PremArsenalvMan Utd19:45 February
Sat22/02/14Eng PremCrystal PalacevMan Utd15:00 February
Sat01/03/14Eng PremMan UtdvMan City15:00 March
Sat08/03/14Eng PremWest BromvMan Utd15:00 March
Sat15/03/14Eng PremMan UtdvLiverpool15:00 March
Sat22/03/14Eng PremWest HamvMan Utd15:00 March
Sat29/03/14Eng PremMan UtdvAston Villa15:00 March
Sat05/04/14Eng PremNewcastlevMan Utd15:00 April
Sat12/04/14Eng PremMan UtdvHull City15:00 April
Sat19/04/14Eng PremEvertonvMan Utd15:00 April
Sat26/04/14Eng PremMan UtdvNorwich City15:00 April
Sat03/05/14Eng PremMan UtdvSunderland15:00 May
Sun11/05/14Eng PremSouthamptonvMan Utd15:00 May

Tuesday 18 June 2013


1. Remedy for COMMON COLD, COUGH, SORE THROAT –Juice of fresh onion with Jagger or onion juice with Honey will help you to cure sore throat and other conditions. For allergies also you can try the Onion Juice mix with Honey or Jagger.

2. FEVER  - cut a large white onion and just apply it on the forehead it will help you and save you from side effects until you visit the doctor.

3. NOSE BLEEDING – If someone is bleeding cut the onion and let the person breathe the smell of fresh cut onion. This will help to stop the blood or reduce it. White onions are recommended in BLEEDING DISODERS to reduce bleeding. Hence it is used in conditions like bleeding PILES and bleeding through nose.

4. SLEEPLESSNESS – Start to eat daily one onion and surely this will help you to get a good night sleep. Good Home Remedy for Insomnia

5. DIGESTION - Onions help increase digestive juices thus helps to have good digestion.

6. BURNS AND INSECT BITES - Burn wound, Bee bite also you can apply Onion Juice.

7. REMEDY FOR BONE DISORDER  Regular consumption of onions helps to reduce incidences of osteoporosis.(porous bones)

8. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Daily use of Onion helps like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low libido. Onion seeds help to increase sperm count and sperm motility.


9. ARTHRITIS AND BODY ACHES -  Onions help to reduce pain and inflammation of joints in conditions like arthritis
Cut two onions fry them using castor oil or sesame oil with turmeric when Onions become soft , get the clean cloth pour the soft hot onions into cloth , tie the cloth and start to apply or press or tie this cloth to the aching part of the body.

10 REMOVAL OF PIMPLE AND DARK SPOT - Remove dark pigments and patches – Apply the Onion Juice mix with powdered ginger on face this will help you to remove dark pigments and patches

11. PAINS IN THE EAR -Use of Onion juice is recommended in ear pain and blurred vision.
For ear-ache or buzzing in the ear, heat the onion juice and put few drops in ear. This juice can also soothe an acute toothache.

12. TOOTHACHE - Onions help to prevent tooth decaying and reduce tooth pain.

Onion has a rejuvenating effect on all tissues and body systems: the digestive, respiratory, nervous, reproductive, and circulatory systems.

13. UNWANTED GROWTH - Onion Juice helps to get the rid of moles (unwanted growth in the body) also, try them on mole not all the moles but in few types Onion Juice Helps.

14. WORM EXPELLER - One spoonful of onion juice eliminates worms in the stomach of children.

15. IMPROVES MEMORY - Onions improve the memory and strengthen the nerves.

16. MENSTRUAL DISORDER- Red Onions help to correct menstrual disorders. Eat Raw Red Onions a few days before your period.

To get full benefits of Onion always try to eat Raw Onion, cut the Onion get the salt or chilly powder as per taste and eat it with bread. Or Start to use Onion in Salads

How to make Onion Juice - Take 2 Onions cut them slice them, now pour half cup of water leave to macerate for two or three hours. Then drink 2 or 3 times a day.

Small but mighty works of healing.......YOU CAN STAY WITHOUT DRUGS!!!! 

Dare to Be Different!

Are you tired of playing games, wearing masks or trying to be someone other than yourself? Wouldn't you like the freedom to just be accepted for who you are, without the pressure to be someone you really don't know how to be? Would you like to learn how to embrace your uniqueness and resist the pull to be like everyone else?
God knew what He was doing when He made you. You are a unique individual—God created you the way you are! It's time that we dare to accept ourselves as different and stop being insecure about who we are.

Be Courageous

If you're going to overcome insecurities and be the person God's called you to be, you must have the courage to be different. Unhappiness and frustration happen when we reject our uniqueness and try to be like each other. If you're going to be successful at being completely you, then you're going to have to take a chance on not being like everyone else. You must ask yourself, Am I a people pleaser or a God pleaser?

Who Decides Your Worth?

Becoming a people pleaser is one of the easiest things we can do...but it can ultimately make us very unhappy. When we begin pleasing others, we begin to hear comments that make us feel good about ourselves. That's okay as long as we don't derive our sense of worth from it. People are too fickle for us to place our sense of worth in their opinions. We're worth something because God says we're worth something—not because of what people think or say about us.
People pleasers allow others to control their lives in order to gain acceptance and approval. But God doesn't want us to be easily manipulated or controlled by others. We shouldn't let other people's opinions of us control our actions.


Walking in Love

At the same time, we must walk in love. We can't just do anything we want, whenever we want, with total disregard for the feelings of others. We can't say, "I'm going to do this, and if you don't like it, that's tough—that's your problem!" The Bible commands us to love others, and love doesn't behave that way. However, we must not allow people to manipulate and control us to the point that we're never free to be who we are. If we do, we'll always try to become the person we think others expect us to be.

Break Out of the Mold

The world (those we know and deal with on a daily basis who may be family, friends, people in the neighborhood or even in the church) is continually trying to conform us to its image. The word conform means "to be similar in form or character; to behave in accordance with prevailing modes or customs." Romans 12:2 says, Do not be conformed to this world (this age),…but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind…It's then that we find the good and acceptable will of God for our lives.
People will always try to fit us into their mold, partly due to their own insecurity. It makes them feel better about what they are doing if they can get someone else to do it too. Very few people have the ability to be who they are and let everybody else be who they are. Can you imagine how nice the world would be if we would all do that? Each person would be secure in who he is and let others be who they are. We would not have to try to be imitations of each other.

Unique for a Purpose

God wants to take us, with all our weaknesses and inabilities, and transform us, by working from the inside out, to do something powerful in this earth. If we're going to overcome insecurities and succeed at being ourselves, we can't continue to be afraid of what everybody else may think. We can't continue to allow others to fit us into their mold. We are different! We are unique! God created us this way to accomplish His purposes here on earth.


This article is taken from Joyce's book, I Dare You.

Awesome Goal

Friday 14 June 2013


first step

One of the greatest enemies of vision is fear. You know fear, that feeling of discomfort that shows up every time you are getting ready to make a major move in your life. It is an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. This emotion can make or break you. It has the power to fuel your dreams or destroy them.

I believe fear was never designed to completely stop us from chasing new opportunities. It was created as a tool to help us move into new opportunities with caution. Counting up all the cost, before making the big steps. In most cases, we allow fear to hinder us from moving forward by becoming overly cautious and afraid.
Most people will tell you that the first step is always the hardest step to take. I honestly believe it’s the hardest step because we spend time overly calculating every situation. The first step is really what counts.  Look at what Andy Stanley says about fear:
Fear, not the lack of good ideas, “keeps a person standing on the sideline.” (Andy Stanley)
If you are tired of being on the sidelines and you are ready to take, then you are in the right place. The fear of moving forward can be destroyed by taking several steps. The first step is the most difficult to take. Let’s take a look at a few things you can do to fight the fear of moving forward:
  1. Take The First Step! Vision is initiated by taking calculable first steps. Dreams die because the dreamer is afraid of taking this first step of deciding to pursue it. There’s nothing to it but to do it.
  2. Don’t Allow Fear To Overpower Your Faith. Your dreams must be more powerful than your fears. Faith and fear are incompatible. They cannot exist in the same mental or physical context. You have to believe that this can happen more than you doubt.
  3. Ignore The Voice Of Negativity. You faith comes by what you hear. What you hear will always decide what you can carry out. Ultimately, who you hear controls your future. Surround your life with faith-filled people who speak positively into your future. Their words will help you do anything.
  4. Fight Fear with Courage. Courage is the weapon that is needed to fight fear. Courage is essential to the success of your dream. It takes courage to carry out vision. This means to have the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulties. It is having the mental stability needed to complete your assigned task.
  5. Celebrate Failures As Learning Experiences. No matter how well you plan or dream, you will meet failure at several points in your journey. Nobody starts our perfect. Every attempt takes closer and closer to perfection. Don’t become defeated in moments of failure, learn from them.
    As you are on your journey to accomplishing greatness, learn how to use fear as a navigational tool. Let it help you make the fight decisions and instead of hindering you from accomplishing good success.
When you are faced with new opportunities, what tools do you use to help you fight the fear of taking the first step?

Thursday 13 June 2013

Super Eagles threaten to boycott Confederations Cup over bonus row......Not again

Super Eagles threaten to boycott Confederations Cup over bonus row  

After the Super Eagles pulled a draw in the 2014 World Cup qualifiers against Namibia in Windhoek on Wednesday, we can reveal with authority that there is a battle in the Nigeria camp between the officials of the Federation and the team which may lead to the boycott of the Confederations Cup.

Players of the national team outrightly are on strike. They have refused the match bonus offered them by the NFF. “We have told them to go and play the Confederations Cup themselves,” said our source in the camp.

“As at this morning, we are not ready to leave Windhoek if these issues are not sorted out. It is either the raging camp issues are resolved in our favour or we all leave for our various clubs and forget the Confederations Cup.”

Part of the grievances of the players is that the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) cannot and should not slash their bonuses without consulting with them being the actors who suffer all the throes, hits and pains on the pitch of play.

In addition, they brought the issue of the rationalisation of the backroom staff of the national team into their demands. A prominent case was the forced exit of assistant coach Silvanus “Quick Silver” Okpala whose services are obviously being missed in the team.

Another matter raised by the players is that of the other assistant coach, Valerie Houndenou, who coach Stephen Keshi had to employ and pay from his own pocket. This, the players feel, is wrong and must be addressed in a holistic nature otherwise they will proceed to their various clubs and forget about the Confederations Cup.

As it is, a prolong agitation of the players will definitely affect the concentration required to have a good outing in the Confederations Cup.

If this situation matures, Nigeria would have brought shame to Africa, if they fail to participate in the Confederations Cup or if they do not do so well in the tournament.